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American DJ Fog Fury Jett - RGBA LED Fog Machine

American DJ Fog Fury Jett - RGBA LED Fog Machine
Daily Price Weekly Price
$30.00 $90.00

12 x 3 W R/G/B/A LEDs 3 x red, 3 x green, 3 x blue, 3 x amber, DIsperses fog 20,000 ft3/min, tank of fogger holds 3L. Needs a 9 minute warm-up time runs on 120VAC, 60Hz

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This high velocity fog machine uses red, green, blue, and amber LEDSs to add color to blast of fog over 25’ in the air. The tank can be mounted in the front or rear of the unit so you may use it vertically or horizontally. The Electronic Thermo Sensing Technology maintains constant temperature to avoid long warm-up times between blasts. THe LED inside the reservoir tank will flash when the level is low, once it reaches a lower level it will automatically shut off the pump. The fog machine has a manual control and remote control via wireless remote. A five DMX channel modes offers you control for the fog, color mixing, and strobing.

Shot On the American DJ Fog Fury Jett - RGBA LED Fog Machine