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Aputure F10 Fresnel Attachment for LS 600d & LS 1200d Pro LED Lights

Aputure F10 Fresnel Attachment for LS 600d & LS 1200d Pro LED Lights

Compatible with the F10 barndoors, this F10 Fresnel Attachment for LS 600d LED & LS 1200d Pro Lights from Aputure allows smooth focusing of the light's beam spread from a tight 15° to a 45° medium flood. The Fresnel's design has built-in ventilation to prevent overheating while thwarting spill light.

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  • Up to 200,000 lux @ 3.28' with the Aputure LS 600d
  • 15 to 45° variable beam angle
  • 10" Glass Fresnel lens
  • Dual lens optical design
  • Compatible with F10 Barn Doors
  • Seamless focus adjustment
  • Minimizes light leaks