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Steadicam Steadimate 30 Support System for Gimbal Stabilizers

Steadicam Steadimate 30 Support System for Gimbal Stabilizers
Daily Price Weekly Price
$125.00 $375.00

Steadicam Steadimate 30 Support System for Gimbal Stabilizers

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Applying Steadicam's camera stabilizer experience to motorized gimbal stabilizers yields the Steadimate 30 Support System. Combining a classic arm and vest kit with the Steadimate gimbal mount allows you to mount a motorized gimbal, such as a Freefly MoVI or DJI Ronin, set up with a camera and ancillary gear weighing up to 30 pounds, and reap the benefits of linear-axis stabilization and better weight distribution. During setup, just remove one of your gimbal stabilizer's handles and replace it with the Steadimate gimbal mount, which in turn, secures to the Steadicam arm. The Steadimate incorporates a rotating joint which allows for tilt-axis manipulation while mounted. Balancing weights for fine-tuning and all necessary mounting hardware are included.