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Sony MDR-7506 Headphones

Sony MDR-7506 Headphones
Daily Price Weekly Price
$8.00 $24.00

A staple headphone choice for audio work in the field or studio.

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The MDR-7506 is a staple within the recording, film and live arenas. Due to its low impedance and closed-ear design, these headphones do an outstanding job of cutting down background noise while providing plenty of volume in the studio or in the field. Additionally, the closed design helps eliminate headphone bleed when overdubbing in the studio.

The MDR-7506 is an over-ear design and is ideal for use with MIDI workstations, camcorders, or other equipment with less than powerful headphone amplification. The headphone has a foldable design, making it convenient to store or transport, and its coiled cable allows it to stretch and spring back into place whenever you need a bit more reach.