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SanDisk 128GB Extreme Pro CFast Card

SanDisk 128GB Extreme Pro CFast Card
Daily Price Weekly Price
$12.00 $36.00

This 128 GB CFast 2.0 Memory card is compatible with both ARRI and Canon Cameras. It was designed for high-performance industries such as broadcasting, cinema, and photography. The memory card provides speed, capacity and performance for uninterrupted DCi 4K video ( 4096 x 2160 & 17:9 aspect ratio.

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The Video Performace Guarantee 130 standard (VPG-130) it will never drop below 130 MB/s when shooting video. The memory card has a write speed of up to 450 MB/s (2933x) & reads speed of up to 525 MB/s (3500x) can keep up with the burst-mode shooting of professional-grade cameras and camcorders. Take a look at the cameras you may use with the CF cards.