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Royer Labs R-121 Ribbon Microphone with RSM-SS1 Sling-Shock Bundle

Royer Labs R-121 Ribbon Microphone with RSM-SS1 Sling-Shock Bundle
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$85.00 $255.00

Dynamic figure-8 ribbon microphone with Sling-Shock shock mount.

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The Royer Labs R-121 Ribbon Microphone with RSM-SS1 Slingshot Bundle includes the renowned R-121 studio ribbon microphone with the RSM-SS1 Sling-Shot shock mount.



Released in 1998, the award-winning R-121 is Royer's flagship microphone; the world’s first radically reengineered ribbon microphone and the model that reintroduced ribbon mics to engineers around the world. Royer did away with the large, heavy, fragile “classic” approach to ribbon microphones and went in a completely new direction. The R-121 gives all of the warmth and natural sound that experienced engineers have long turned to ribbon mics for, but in a compact, light-weight, high output and tough-as-nails package that was unheard of in a ribbon mic before the R-121. In its 10+ years in the market, thousands of R-121’s have been sold around the world and it’s well established as a standard for tracking electric guitar and brass.

The R-121 redefined ribbon microphones so completely that Recording Magazine wrote: “…the Royer R-121 is destined to become one of the classic microphones of the 21st century.”

Like many of the best classic ribbon mics, the R-121 has a figure-8 pattern, output level comparable to a dynamic mic, and a warm, realistic tone and flat frequency response. But that’s where the similarities end. By using advanced materials and a blend of cutting edge and old-school, hand-build construction techniques, the R-121 is an extremely versatile and user-friendly ribbon mic that can stand up to the most demanding tasks. Cranked up electric guitars, close up brass, drums – you name it, the R-121 will help you record it with realism you have to hear to believe.

Royer Labs build the R-121 solid enough to give it a lifetime warranty.



The R-121’s proprietary offset ribbon transducer (Patent # 6,434,252) is the first of its kind, positioning the ribbon element closer to the front (logo) side of the microphone. This arrangement gives the ribbon more room to move within the prime magnetic field while maintaining full frequency response during high SPL recordings. It’s an integral piece of the magic of all Royer R-series microphones.



  • High SPL Capabilities
  • No internal active electronics to overload or produce distortion up to maximum SPL rating
  • Extremely low residual noise
  • Ribbon element is not affected by heat or humidity
  • Absence of high frequency phase distortion
  • Equal sensitivity from front or back of element
  • Consistent frequency response regardless of distance



  • Electric Guitar Amps
  • Brass Instruments
  • Horn Sections
  • Drum Rooms
  • Kick Drum
  • Woodwinds
  • Percussion Instruments
  • Acoustic Piano
  • Acoustic Guitar
  • String Instruments & Sections
  • Choirs & Orchestras
  • Commercial Broadcast



The Sling-Shock (Patent No. 8,571,250) is a revolutionary departure from traditional shock mount designs. Royer have done away with unreliable rubberized parts and elastic cords, producing a durable shock mount that provides exceptional isolation from vibration, rumble and resonances. Royer's proprietary system of non-resonant nylon cable and damped steel springs acts to isolate the microphone from vibrations induced from the microphone stand. These vibrations appear as rumble and/or low-grade noise across the bandwidth and are greatly reduced by use of the Sling-Shock.

Sling-Shocks also eliminate the self-resonance that traditional shock mounts can generate on high SPL applications like close-miked electric guitar. Shock mount self-resonance creates harmonic interferences at various frequencies – Sling-Shocks eliminate the issue. The Sling-Shock’s superior vibration-reduction capabilities and lack of self-resonance allow engineers to capture performances free of vibration-related interference across the bandwidth.

A cable clip is included on each Sling-Shock. Loop a length of cable under the microphone, then secure the cable to the mic clip to minimize cable-related vibrations.



  • Superior isolation from vibration, shock and rumble
  • Lack of self-resonance on high SPL applications
  • Felt-lined, scratch-free microphone chamber holds mic securely
  • No rubberized parts to degrade or stretch
  • Built in microphone cable clip minimizes cable-related vibration
  • Flexible for easy microphone positioning
  • Lifetime warranty