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Matthews 40" C-Stand w/ Sliding Leg, Grip Head, & Arm (10.5', Chrome)

Matthews 40
Daily Price Weekly Price
$5.00 $15.00

The gold standard! Also available in black and 20" versions.

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While C-stands have been around since the dawn of the movie industry, what makes the Matthews 40" C-Stand w/ Sliding Leg, Grip Head, and Arm (10.5') special is its sliding third leg, alternatively called a "lazy" or "Rocky Mountain" leg. Whatever you call it, the leg can be positioned anywhere on the riser to stabilize the stand, work around obstructions like stairs, or deal with tight spaces. The stand rises to a height of 10.5' and can support gear weighing up to 22 lb. The large T-handles provide a secure grip.


**Note: The arms included with C-stands are not designed to act as a boom to mount or hang heavy items, such as lights, outwards/overhead. If you would like to mount lights this way, the Avenger D600CB Mini Boom would be required, along with two sandbags (one to weigh down the C-stand legs, and one as a counterbalance on the hook end of the boom).