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Kippertie False Colour OLPF

Kippertie False Colour OLPF

False Colour OLPFs allow filming in light spectra beyond the visible range with RED DSMC2 cameras.

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Developed for our adventurous and high-profile natural history cinematography clients, these filter provide the ultimate in Full spectrum and IR imagery with outstanding sharpness.  The filters have anti-reflective and protective coatings and come housed in a fully compatible swappable OLPF mount.


Full spectrum

Allows the camera sensor to be exposed to all wavelengths of light to which it is sensitive. Primarily this extends the image into the infrared down to  950nm, with strong response at 850nm.  Combined with front of lens filtration many creative effects can be achieved.

IR Spectrum

Blocks all visible light and allows only invisible IR between 720nm  and 950nm.  For wildlife illumination, we recommend IR lights with 850nm output for best response.  Ideal also for landscape photography and monochrome output.

Applications include:

  • IR illuminated covert filming including wildlife work
  • False colour and IR landscape and portrait imagery
  • Creative experimentation
  • Scientific imaging