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K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI

K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI
Daily Price Weekly Price
$125.00 $375.00

The K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI 1 light kit produces as much output as a 4K quartz fixture but only draws 11 amps of power. The Joker Bug 800 comes with lenses, rolling case, ballast and head accessories.

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The Joker-Bug 800W HMI light is one of the most popular HMI lighting fixtures when shooting all kind of projects in practical locations such as offices or homes. The main reason is because it is a very powerful fixture that can be used in many different ways without having to worry about blowing a circuit as it only draws 11 amps of power but it is as powerful as a 4K fresnel.


When used with the Beamer, the Joker-Bug turns into a very directional par lighting fixture. It is also a very flexible HMI light as it can be used as a spot as well as a flood light, with the angles of it's beam varying from only 5 degrees to 45 degrees.


The lenses included with the Joker-Bug 800W HMI are the Wide Flood, Medium Flood, Frosted Fresnel and Super Wide Flood.


Here's a summary of the effect you get with the Joker-Bug with each lens:


The medium flood lens gives a rectangular pattern and is recommended to use as a bounce.


The wide flood lens is close to the medium flood, giving you a rectangular shape but wider and bigger than the medium flood


The super wide gives you a squared pattern which can be closer to a diamond pattern if rotated.


The frosted fresnel lens gives you about 60 degrees of an even and soft spread

Shot On the K5600 Joker-Bug 800W HMI

Great overview of the Joker-Bug 800 lens options.

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Good introduction to the Joker-Bug 800W HMI fixture.

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Frequently Asked Questions
1 ) How much does the Joker-Bug 800 fixture weigh?

The Joker-Bug 800W fixtures weighs 6lbs. Together with the ballast, which weighs 8lbs, reaches 14lbs.

2 ) Does the Joker-Bug 800w come with barn doors?

Yes the Joker-Bug 800w light comes with a removable 4 leaf barndoor. The Joker-Bug 800w barndoor helps control the beam spread of the light by directing the light to a particular area but closing down the barndoors.

3 ) How many footcandles does the Joker-Bug 800W throw with a spot lens?

The Joker-Bug 800W throws 5245 foot-candles with a diameter of 1.5 feet from 20 feet with the spot lens.