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k5600 Joker Bug 200W HMI

k5600 Joker Bug 200W HMI
Daily Price Weekly Price
$80.00 $200.00

The Joker Bug 200W is comparable to a 1K fresnel light but it draws only 3 Amps. It operates in 110 and 240V environments and 28.8 and 30 Volt.

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The Joker Bug 200W is a very flexible and versatile HMI which can be used in Bug-Lite configuration with lightbanks and lanterns or PAR configuration with a set of 4 lenses which will help you shape the light however you want. Very lightweight, it can be mounted on a gobo arm for more creative set-ups. It is comparable to a 1K fresnel but draws only 3 Amps.


If you are looking for a more powerful HMI you might want to look into the Joker Bug 400W.

Shot On the k5600 Joker Bug 200W HMI

Great breakdown of the Joker-Bug 200W's versatility and operation

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