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EasyRig MiniMax

EasyRig MiniMax
Daily Price Weekly Price
$50.00 $150.00

The Easyrig Minimax works great with cameras weighing from 4.4 to 15.4 pounds.

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Useful for documentaries, news, events, and more, the Easyrig Minimax is great for situations which require extensive handheld camera work with cameras weighing from 4.4 to 15.4 pounds. Rather than uncomfortably handholding your camera, supporting the weight with your arms, the Minimax redistributes the weight of your camera setup through the body harness. Taking the weight off your arms lets you hold the camera steady for longer periods of time without fatigue. An added bonus of the Minimax is increased stability in your shots. The support rope, while transferring the weight to the harness, also adds a point of contact, reducing vibrations.