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DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle for RS 2 & RSC 2

DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle for RS 2 & RSC 2
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$8.00 $24.00

DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle for RS 2 & RSC 2

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While dual handles for gimbals are traditionally designed as one piece, the DJI R Twist Grip Dual Handle consists of four components that easily connect and break down via NATO mounts, so when you're done using it, you can pack it away very compact. It features two extension arms and two grip handles. The arms attach to the left and right NATO mounts on the RS 2 and RSC 2 gimbals, and the grip handles secure to the arms, also by NATO mounts. Once all set up, the R Twist Grip Dual Handle allows you to maneuver the gimbal with two hands in scenarios where such a setup would allow for better balancing.