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Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM Lens

Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM Lens
Daily Price Weekly Price
$40.00 $120.00

The Canon EF 135mm f2 is a great portrait lens that is also very effective in low light situations. This Canon EF lens is compatible with the Canon EF2.0x and EF1.4x extenders.

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The Canon EF 135mm f2 lens is a very sharp long L series lens that has a 10 element optical formula and 2 UD glass elements that eliminate aberrations. The closest focusing distance is 3', has an iris range that goes from f2 to f32 and is also equipped with a focus range limiter that lets you choose the focusing distance range.

Shot On the Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM Lens

Great review by DigitalRev of the Canon 135mm f2 lens. They test it side to side with the Canon 24-105mm f4L lens and test the sharpness as a portrait lens.

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Frequently Asked Questions
1 ) What is the filter thread of the Canon 135mm f2 EF lens?

The Canon EF 135mm f2 lens has a 72mm filter thread.

2 ) What is the "focus range limiter"?

Thanks to a switch on the lens you are able to set the focusing distance range, which diretly affects the autofocus time. The 2 options are 3' to infinity or 5.2' to infinity. So, let's say your subject is 6' from you, by choosing 5.2' to infinity will be your best option if auto focus time is of concern. The focus range limiter will basically tell your lens not to try focus on anything that is closer than 5.2'.