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Auray TT-6220 Telescoping Tabletop Microphone Stand

Auray TT-6220 Telescoping Tabletop Microphone Stand
Daily Price Weekly Price
$5.00 $15.00

Often used for podcast and streaming.

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The black TT-6220 Telescoping Tabletop Microphone Stand from Auray meets the needs of any desktop audio applications that require the use of a microphone by providing a solid, weighted round base with three nonslip rubber feet for additional stability. The telescoping shaft delivers flexibility when it comes to positioning the height of the microphone and includes a microphone cable guide. Durable steel construction ensures longevity.

  • Telescoping shaft for adjustable height
  • Weighted round base
  • Three nonslip rubber feet
  • Microphone cable guide
  • Durable steel construction