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AlienBees Ringflash

AlienBees Ringflash
Daily Price Weekly Price
$30.00 $90.00

The AlienBees™ Ringflash Unit is a powerful, self-contained system designed to produce essentially shadow-free lighting, revealing unique catch lights in the eyes of subjects. Versatile; lightweight, and easy to use.

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6 f-stop power variability (10 Ws to 320 Ws)
Continuous slider adjustment from full to 1/32 power
Tri-pod, light stand, or hand-held use; on or off-camera
Accommodates camera lenses up to 4 in. diameter
WYSIWYG modeling previews
Compatible with all BUFF light stands, CyberSync™ remotes, and Vagabond™ systems
People that rent this item tend to get it with the AlienBees Db 800 Flash Unit.