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AlienBee DigiBee DB400 Flash Unit

AlienBee DigiBee DB400 Flash Unit
Daily Price Weekly Price
$25.00 $75.00

The DigiBee is a powerful, all-digital, self-contained photographic flash unit. The unit offers consistent output, fast recycle, and true “What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get” modeling lamp accuracy with a new digital interface that adds optional visual and/or audible recycle indication, slave eye on/off settings, and four modeling modes (on full, off, flashpower tracking, and independent adjustment).

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With the inclusion of a bright, high intensity LED modeling lamp, the modeling lamp becomes more than a tool for previewing the light output, as the DigiBee can be used for still or motion photography, delivering a bright, clean light source for a wide variety of subjects. The permanent LED is a 400 Watt equivalent lamp, daylight-balanced at 5600K. This unit is also rented with the AlienBees B800 Flash Unit.